Friday, April 20, 2007

Hug That Pillow

It's not often that I post e-mails I receive to The Unpleasantness. In fact, I've never posted an e-mail I've received to The Unpleasantness. Once I was going to post one I received about how I could be "more of a man," but there was no freakin' way I was letting that secret out. So, instead, I'm going to post the e-mail I just received from my friend Captain 40oz Hands:

Don't jinx the Brewers thing, ahole. Anywho, [name removed to protect the
innocent], FROLF today in the sunshine. Right when you get off of work on 62nd
and Keef (rhyms with queef, the front grunt or the action that was related to my
friend [name removed to protect the guilty] in confidence and then
that confidence was broken and my course of life was altered, I could have been
married to [name removed to protect everyone] and my house would have
been clean but I would have cats instead of dogs so lets call it even). FROLF
won't take you an hour and it is most enjoyable.

So, here is my lastest master plan. Evidently, my fiancee thinks I am
disgusting when I get drunk. Evidently, it was always that way and she never
told me. It has just now become more and more noticeable. She says things like,
"Gees, I didn't know you like Jagermeister that much!" and "You smell like
booze." She has even broken down my latest defense tactic, the stress of work.
When she says that I drink to much (which has now been regulated to pretty much
just Fridays), I say that I work with cancer kids. Now she says that I always
use that as an excuse. That's an effin tough stance. She doesn't even care about
the cancer kids. Heartless.

So my new tactic is honesty. It is time to stand up for my testicles. I
am unashamed and unabashed in my hedonism and manhood. I work and I do the
dishes and I go to school and the bills are paid. I can get effin drunk when and
where I want. If I want a drink I am going to have it, dammit. And then I am
going to have five. Get outamy face woman and watch out 'cause I'm horney. Hug
that pillow. It's midnight and I started at 3 in the afternoon and I am going to
light this cigarette and open another beer because of these nutz I got palmed
right here. I would make you feel beter if you got down on your pretty little
knees and just smooched them right effin now. And then go to the store and get
me another pack of Camel lights. And effin hard pack this time, comprende? I'll
pay you back tomorrow, toots. Thanks.

I think this'll work out for me.


Bird Watching - 04/20/2007

This fellow just earned his citizenship and he's celebrating by flipping me off. That's the beauty of being an American! And immediately after this photo was taken we handed him a gun, shipped him over-seas and told him to get to work protecting this great nation of ours. Thanks, pal!


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bird Watching - 04/19/2007

"What is this? What could I do with it? How could I possibly use this one small thing to communicate to the world how I feel about it? Ooooohhhhh...I've got an idea!"


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bird Watching Video

Few people know where most of my bird watching takes place. This fellow does. So today not only marks the first ever reader submitted bird watching, but also the first ever video bird watching. It also marks the first time I've ever tried Ethiopian food, but that's really neither here nor there.


Bird Watching - 04/18/2007

This is the first in a [hopefully] long line of reader submitted bird watching and I have to say that it brings a tear to my eye every time I look at it. Sure, it's one thing for people I know to flip me off, but it's completely different to have a total stranger flipping me off. Kinda like church.

Remember, you too can submit your bird watching photos by sending an e-mail to!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Disturbingly Arousing

Milwaukee Happy Hour provides us with a great opportunity to see all the fun people have when they're out and about, drinking, having a good time and HOLY CRAP! Look at the size of that chick's tongue! And look at her arms! Is that even a chick? As my friend Buzz once said as Miss Gay Latina Wisconsin walked by, "Dude, that's a dude." And as I responded, "I don't care. He's still hot."

I feel like I need to cleanse myself now.

Bird Watching - 04/17/2007

My how time flies. Here I am waking up this morning, thinking it's Monday, all set to put up the first Bird Watching post of the week. Then I realize it's actually Tuesday! And I have no idea where it is I'm waking up! Or where my pants are! Or why all those studio lights are shining down on me! And what in the world is that stain?


If you've gotten this far, congratulations. You can read more by going to the archives. Or you can just imagine what else might be here without clicking anything. Might I recommend a fine bottle of bourbon to accompany your fantasies? I thought so.