Tuesday, April 24, 2007


One of my friend's greatest fears is that his daughter will grow up and want to play soccer. He's closely monitoring her ankle thickness and praying daily that she doesn't come home with a femullet. This Playboy layout of the Brazillian women's soccer team is bound to beset him with a whole new collection of fears, not the least of which is that I'm now the world's biggest fan of women's soccer. Ever!

Slightly Confused

Two girls kissing can be one of the most awesomest things in the world, right up there with two girls dancing (man, I miss high school dances) and two girls making me a peanut butter sandwich. But when one of the girls is so utterly confused that her tongue is trying to find the mark but her head just won't cooperate, it's not so much awesome as it is frustrating, like trying to watch a one-armed man clap, or trying to get him to wave at you while he's hanging from a tree branch. You know, they only ever fall for that once. Get it? Fall! Lordy, I kill me.

Bird Watching - 04/24/2007

Hey! Tough guy! You lookin' at me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME!?!?

Oh...that's for the person over my shoulder? Well, I'll move out of the way then.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Bird Watching: 04/23/2007

What's better than having a bartender flip you off? Having the beer delivery guy flip you off.

Go to the source, I always say. Go to the source.


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