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"Bam Bam" Bonsall

It must be child star day here at The Unpleasantness, because what else could explain back-to-back posts about child stars? Brian Bonsall, the jump-the-shark baby from '80s mega-hit Family Ties, was arrested in Boulder, CO, for knocking around his girlfriend. I'm thinking it probably had something to do with him asking "Who's Brian Bonsall, bitch? WHO'S BRIAN BONSALL????" and her honestly not knowing the answer.

Fun Fact!
Did you know Brian Bonsall later went on to play Worf's son on Star Trek: The Next Generation, making him the first person responsible for two shows jumping the shark before the age of 15? Suck it, Ted McGinley!

Fun Fact II!
Did you know Brian Bonsall has absolutely nothing to do with Ms. Hotty McHotbox Kim Smith? Well, now you do!

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