Hep is Hip
When I first heard that Bar Rafaeli may have Hepatitis A, I was relieved that we don''t have that club in my town so I wouldn't have to worry about it. Then I realized I was thinking of Bar Louis, which we actually do have, has crappy food and service, and so I suppose I wouldn't care if it had Hep A anyway. When I found out what a Bar Rafaeli was, I suddenly became extremely concerned over this development and did a little research. Turns out one of Wolfgang Puck's catering employees has the Hep and has been working at a bunch of star-studded events. Just freakin' great. It's bad enough I have to get $600 haircuts and buy all my clothes from Armani to be celebrity cool, but now I have to get a damned liver disease too! Is there no end to this?
(I should note that this really isn't new news, but instead an excuse for me to post a picture of Bar Rafaeli. To prove that, here's one more. I'm all about full disclosure.)