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Bird Watching Extravaganza!

I'll be out of town for a few days, so in my absence I thought I'd leave behind some pictures I've taken on my bird watching expeditions. And as an extra-special super-dooper bonus you'll get the biting, witty commentary you've all come to know, love and respect. I'm just like a respected dignitary. Or priest. Or a parrot with an impressive vocabulary.

This one didn't really want to be on camera, so she used her superhuman speed to blur her face. But you can still tell she's smiling, so she must be enjoying herself. Who wouldn't while giving me the finger?

This is my buddy Jules. He's a real bad-ass, if you consider living in the suburbs and driving a mini-van bad-ass. I've seen him rough up PTA members just for looking at him wrong!

With all those bottles in the background it took me quite some time to realize this was a picture of someone flipping me off! It was like one of those Where's Waldo? pictures, only with just one person right smack dab in the middle of the scene! I can't believe it took me three hours to find her!

They call this guy "the Dark One." This has nothing to do with the color of his skin, but rather that a shroud of darkness descends wherever he goes!

This particular girl gave me the finger the night we all went out to celebrate her birthday. Would you believe she's 78 years old! I didn't either. That's why after she passed out drunk I enlisted her in the Army. The Mexican Army.

Bartenders love me because I'm a friendly drunk and having me as a customer is like winning the lottery. This guy drives a Lamborghini, lives in a mansion and is married to six nymphomaniac supermodels, and that's just from my tips!

Have a great weekend everyone. I'll be back as soon as the heat's off...er...I mean...vacation is over!


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