At some point in history the world must have experienced a collective beer-goggling incident because that's the only way I can explain Sarah Jessica Parker being passed off as good looking. She's like that girl you pick up in a dimly lit bar after too many shots of tequila that you insist is the most beautiful woman ever, only to have sobriety and sunshine later reveal to you that she's actually a donkey in low-rise jeans. Not that that's ever happened to me, I'm just sayin'.
Here's the strange thing. SJP has this eyebrow thing that drives me nuts... she cocks one eyebrow up... and I swear to god it's the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
I know... stupid that something so minor could seem so crucial... but there you have it.
Abuse by Nick | March 14, 2007 at 6:07 PM
If you want to talk about one thing being so crucial, how 'bout that wart on her chin? Scares the crap out of me every time I see it and makes me think she's got a pot of Hansel and Gretl stew brewin' back home!
Abuse by Anonymous | March 15, 2007 at 8:49 AM