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Bird Watching - 04/10/2007

This guy insisted on not only giving me the finger, but then showing me all five...one for each member of my family. Even though he thinks he's being funny, what he's really doing is forcing me to have flashbacks to the backhands my father used to give me to "build character." Build character my ass! All they did was make me a bitter man unable to have healthy relationships. But I can take a punch. Come on. I dare you!

Fun Fact!
Did you know that gay bartenders are the best bartenders ever? That's because their limp-wristed pouring action in combination with the weight of the bottle results in gravity taking over and some of the best pours around. Don't believe me? Take a look at the pour below. That's a bourbon...neat. Oh yeah.

So tip your gay bartenders well. And keep hoping that your straight bartenders switch teams!


damn right!!!! tip your gay bartenders big time!! give 'em cash, credit cards, heck give up your wallet dude!!! why, you might ask, should one be so generous?????? because you never know what he'll use to "stir" your cocktail, the next time you are in!!!!

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