Hallowang, or another excuse for girls to dress like sluts
One of my favorite things about Halloween is that it's become an excuse for girls to dress in ways that would give their grandmothers heart attacks. Hell, some of the costumes would give me heart attacks if it weren't for my home-made pacemaker and regular diet of garlic and nitroglycerin. That's why I'm so excited some guy in Milwaukee is trying to start his own holiday, Hallowang. So, if you just can't wait another six months to dress up as your favorite Friends character, hippie, kitty cat or one-eyed worm (seriously...I had a friend do that once), then set aside April 28th to hit the town and check out all the dirty girls...er...I mean costumes.
thanks for the plug, brother! I googled Hallowang and your blog came up 1st page. if you want the inside scoop on observing this new holiday feel free to call me 243-3747. hope to see you and your peeps out on Sat.
- Housecat
Abuse by Anonymous | April 24, 2007 at 8:27 AM